GO TO www.buzzsprout.com/2037649 FOR THE MOST RECENT.
GO TO www.buzzsprout.com/2037649 FOR THE MOST RECENT.
2024 11-14, 6229 – LOOKING FOR WARMTH – The evening sky said it all. Its cold stare indicated that night temperatures were dropping to below freezing. I thought about turning up the heat but realized that our hearts, when we experience gratitude and love, can stay warm regardless of how cold the weather gets.
2024 11-13, 6228 – IN A MOOD – The mountain appeared dark and moody when I captured its photo. I thought of people who look like that when they are in a negative mood. Perhaps a positive word will help them change. Sunshine will help change the mood of the mountain.
2024 11-12, 6227 – FRONT ROW SEAT AT THE SHOW – I often take a front row seat at Nature’s show. It is never the same, and always healing for my mind, body, spirit, emotions and my soul. Anywhere you find Nature, no matter the season, you can do the same thing.
2024 11-11, 6226 – DRY SPELL – At the moment you would never know there is a small seasonal brook that flows by my window. It is totally dry and filled with leaves. Sooner or later, it will flow again. People have dry spells in their lives where their creative flow ceases. With patience and trust the flow will start again.
2024 11-10, 6225 – COUNTING HEARTS – I have done many heart podcasts over the years, but I count on seeing hearts in Nature and other places. I consider them signs and reminders of the belief that our hearts expend 60 times more electromagnetic energy than our brains. Couple our thoughts with gratitude and love, and look for miracles.
2024 11-09, 6224 – MOVING THE FAIRIES – The stump that has been housing the fairies on the mountain top is rotting away, so my wife decided to move the items left for them to the base of a large pine tree close by. Overnight the fairies came and redecorated. There are a lot of fairies in life whose unseen acts of kindness make a difference.
2024 11-08, 6223 – HONORING VOICES OF THE PAST – There is an old cemetery on our land in the back of the property where the original settlers were buried almost 200 years ago. Our goal is to honor voices from the past. We are all following the paths of those that have gone before us.
2024 11-07, 6222 – THE MOUNTAINS ARE GLOWING AGAIN – My heart has a warm glow in it created by my gratitude for the beautiful alpine glows across the valley that I can see through the trees, now that they have lost their leaves. As the nights get longer, I appreciate the positive glows of nature and the people around me.
2024 11-06, 6221 – HIDDEN IN THE WALLS – I look at the massive stone walls surrounding part of the Orchard and wonder what stories are hidden in them. I wonder about the history of earth and its true history. I wonder about our souls’ history and what we have yet to learn.
2024 11-05, 6220 - FOLLOWING THE SUNSETS – Now that the time has changed and the leaves have dropped, I can again follow the path of the sunsets as they move west across the horizon until the winter solstice. I am as grateful for this opportunity as I am to observe human light workers shine their lights across the horizon of life.
2024 11-04, 6219 - A PRECARIOUS POSITION – One of our birch trees has a severe bend probably caused from previous winter storms, After the leaves fell, I noticed a bird’s nest built right on the bend in a precarious position. I think of people who make precarious decisions without thinking them through.
2024 11-03, 6218 - TIME CHANGE – Today we lose an hour of daylight in the evening as the nights in the Northern Hemisphere grow longer, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they are getting shorter. For me, I like to surround myself with light this time of year, both externally and internally.
2024 11-02, 6217 - A PLACE TO READ THE PAPER – One of my escape routines this summer and fall is to take the local paper in the afternoon and drive up to the unfurnished cabin and sit under a solar light bulb and look for positive articles. A moment of escape is a great way to rejuvenate and be in tune with one’s soul.
2024 11-01, 6216 - NOVEMBER – The calendar page has turned again, although the weather is still much warmer than usual. We now carry a snow-ice scraper in the car preparing for sudden changes, but we are also enjoying Nature giving us more warm weather. There can be a reason to celebrate every day if we choose.
2024 10-31, 6215 - EVEN THE LEAVES ARE CELEBRATING – I wanted to see how Nature was celebrating Halloween this year, and my answer came when I discovered a leaf dressed up in a scary costume. I often receive answers to my questions from Nature.
2024 10-30, 6214 - BARBERRIES – Barberries are an invasive shrub that can grow wild and take over a landscape, choking out more desirable growth. Deer do not like to feed on it because of its barbs. People can be overrun by invasive negative thoughts. By recognizing what is happening, we can replace them with positivity.
2024 10-29, 6213 - FIRST FREEZE OF THE SEASON – The temperature has now dropped to below freezing for the first time this fall and the gardens and nature’s growing season has gone to sleep. It is time to warm up our soul’s heart-felt gratitude for the beauty that still exists around us that we may have missed during the summer.
2024 10-28, 6212- I CAN NEVER RESIST A GOOD CARDINAL PHOTO – It is only in recent years that we have seen cardinals coming to our feeders. Now we have a pair nesting nearby, and I can never resist taking a photo. They are a positive sign to me, a reminder that I am not alone.
2024 10-27, 6211- THE CRUNCH IS ON – Due to the lack of rain, the woods and trails are covered with dry leaves that have fallen from the trees. Just about every step we take creates a loud crunch. The crunch is on in life as we hurry to get ready for winter and determine our soul’s path over the next few months.
2024 10-26, 6210 – ONE WAY THAT NATURE DECORATES – I love to see Nature in action. She collects the falling leaves and reuses them to decorate the evergreen trees for Halloween. I think of ways that people can reuse their stuff as well as their thoughts for positive results.
2024 10-25, 6209 – CLOUD GAZING – A good way to refocus your mind is to first un-focus it. One way is to set your intentions for guidance to come to you and gaze at the clouds, taking a deep breath, and let your eyes go out of focus. Continue to breathe up from the ground and down from the sky with gratitude in your heart and focus on positivity.
2024 10-24, 6208 – A CONSTANT VIGIL – The more improvements we make to the land, the more maintenance is required to keep ahead of Nature. We are on constant vigilance in our effort to be aware of what project to work on next. In Life, it is very important to be on constant vigilance to keep our soul nourished.
2024 10-23, 6207 - TIME FOR A MAKEOVER – With the Ormond Gardens expanding it was time for a makeover of the Center, both outside and inside with new paint and a new bathroom. There is a post-covid movement taking place all over the world with people making over their lives to find more meaning.
2024 10-22, 6206 - FINISHING UP – The day after I mowed the Orchard, our son finished up by mowing the Lupine Field. I was still stiff and lame from the day before and probably would have postponed the mowing, but it was important to finish the job. It is easy to give up in life, but that is the time to keep going.
2024 10-21, 6205 - THE LITTLE TRACTOR THAT COULD – I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get the Orchard and Lupine Field mowed this fall after my Swisher mower broke down. I remember my favorite story as a child, “The little Engine that Could”, and decided to try my lawn tractor. It did the job!!! There is a lesson in this.
2024 10-20, 6204 - AS GOOD AS IT GETS – I realized as I looked across the valley that the fall foliage was as good as it gets. I felt a wave of gratitude washing over me and settling in my heart. My goal is to have many life experiences every day in all conditions that are as good as it gets.
2024 10-19, 6203 - SOON TO BE A MEMORY – The foliage is fading quickly and soon we will just be left to the memories of fall. Many will capture the beauty with a photo to help them remember. Others that do not pause to experience special moments in life will find them harder to recall as time goes on.
2024 10-18, 6202 - SAFETY ZONES – The land at the Center is designated as a wildlife safety zone, and I wonder if the male turkeys that grub on our lawn realize that. In my mind, when people come together in a positive and peaceful manner to discuss differences in opinions, it is a safe zone, free from prejudices.
2024 10-17, 6201 – MAKING USE OF WHAT IS AVAILABLE – The wind blew down a lot of dead and weak trees and limbs this past week, so we cut up the debris and lined the sides of the paths with them. In life we have many things, from physical to mental, that can be repurposed as we change and grow.
2024 10-16, 6200 – CLIMBING A MOUNTAIN – Years ago I learned that if I stopped to rest when climbing a mountain, it was hard to start again, so I just went one step at a time until I reached the summit. Sometimes in life the big goal seems insurmountable. One little goal at a time helps us reach the big one.
2024 10-15, 6199 – THE LEAVES ARE FALLING – Now that the foliage is passing its peak, the leaves are falling from the trees and covering the ground. It is a “crunchy” time of year. October weather has many different moods. In life, our positive hearts can help us navigate through all the changes as we crunch the leaves.
Michael R. Hathaway, PO Box 276, Madison NH 03849, 603-367-8851, [email protected]
Michael R. Hathaway, PO Box 276, Madison NH 03849, 603-367-8851, [email protected]