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GO TO www.buzzsprout.com/2037649 FOR THE MOST RECENT.
2024 12-19, 6264 – A SPECIAL HOLIDAY WREATH – My eyes caught a glimpse of what I thought was a leaf floating out of the sky and landing close to a lilac bush. As I got closer, I saw it was a tiny bird’s nest wreath celebrating the holidays. I wondered if it was just synchronicity or by grand design.
2024 12-18, 6263 – THE HEART OF WINTER HAS DISAPPEARED – Just when I thought Winter had chased Fall away, Fall came back and melted much of the snow with rain and warm temperatures. In life, our expectations may not be realized because of other circumstances. We can flow with life with love and gratitude in our hearts.
2024 12-17, 6262 – LAYING THE GROUNDWORK – Nature has begun slowly laying the groundwork for its ice sculpture exhibit in the brook: one drop of frozen water at a time. In life we lay the groundwork for positive change by setting an intention that we practice over and over again until success is obtained.
2024 12-16, 6261 – FINDING SOME NOURISHMENT – In the winter we often throw out some cracked corn on the snow for the turkeys to find for nourishment when their food is scarce. It is also important for us to find, not only physical nourishment, but nourishment for the mind and soul.
2024 12-15, 6260 – THE WREATH ON THE CABIN DOOR – Before the snow came, we hung a wreath on the Cabin door, knowing we would not have a chance to visit it much in the winter. It is there for passersby and the wildlife to enjoy. We don’t have to be present for others to benefit from acts of kindness and love.
2024 12-14, 6259 – THE RETURN OF THE FLOW – The little brook that flows down the mountainside dried out in the long drought, but recent rain got it flowing again. Nature decorated its banks with a dusting of white adding to the celebration. It teaches me that in life when the creative flow has stopped, it will return again.
2024 12-13, 6258 – THE UPS AND DOWNS OF WINTER – Winter was off to a fast start this year, even though we are still in astrological fall. Then came 2-3 inches of rain, washing away half of the snow. Life has a lot of ups and downs to it, but if we are supported by love over the long run, it averages out.
2024 12-12, 6257 – THE MAGICAL WORLD OF NATURE - Tiny water drops formed on the tips of a tree branch glistened in the morning light like magical crystal balls. Then again, Nature is filled with magic for those that take the time to notice. Actually, there is magic in all aspects of life.
2024 12-11, 6256 – ONE OF MY FAVORITE STORIES – I love to tell the story of how one of my favorite holiday decorations came back home. It is a Santa my wife made and sold several years ago. I always wanted to have one, and at a sale, there it was for twenty-five cents. Positive thoughts can produce results.
2024 12-10, 6255 – SEEING THE POSSIBILITIES – Some trees develop burls or growths, perhaps caused by a wound of some sort years ago. They may look unique to most people, but they are worthless unless you can harvest them and turn them into something, like a bowl. Most everything in life has some sort of possibility if we look at it differently.
2024 12-09, 6254 – YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE YOU WILL FIND A HEART – I am basically a plant-based eater, and recently my wife was out for the day and I was left to find a frozen dinner for lunch. There in the middle of the frost was a heart. You never know where you will get the next sign proving you are not alone in your journey.
2024 12-08, 6253 – SPREADING THE CHEER – To be honest most of the holiday decorations we display are for ourselves. The lights come on at dark, turn off after we go to bed and come on to greet us in the early morning. At the same time many people tell us how much they enjoy them. We all have an inner light that we can spread all year round.
2024 12-07, 6252 – TWIN FLAMES BURN TOGETHER – The small stained-glass wreath with two candles in the center connected as one flame may confirm or challenge one’s beliefs. There is a concept that when our souls first were conceived, we were both male and female and eventually divided into two physical beings.
2024 12-06, 6251 – IN TUNE AND READY TO PLAY – Music is very important in our family life and always has been. Regardless of your religion, music plays a major part in the holidays as well as all aspects of life. It can calm your soul and ignite your energy.
2024 12-05, 6250 – YUM YUM – The male cardinal appeared to be enjoying his food as he looked in the window. At the same time, he was providing a feast of gratitude for us for his choosing our feeder. There are many feasts for our hearts when we set our intentions to experience the spiritual food of love and acts of kindness.
2024 12-04, 6249 – A DIFFERENT VIEW – The woodpeckers love the log suet holder. It was fascinating to watch through a hole and see a bird pecking away on the other side. It reminded me that there are two ways to view life, from the outside and from the inside. Having two views helps you get the best perspective.
2024 12-03, 6248 - LIGHTS IN THE WINDOWS – The nights are now at the darkest of the entire year and we place festive lights in the windows. They not only cheer up the night but greet us in the morning. Our goal is to brighten our days and that of others, just as others are shining their inner lights and making a difference.
2024 12-02, 6247 - WINTER GLOW – Now that the snow has covered the landscape and, especially, the mountains across the valley, the morning pink alpine glows are brilliant, Add to that the glow of people enjoying the holiday season, and both the days and nights are glowing. Imagine this all year.
2024 12-01, 6246 - WINTER – Today, December first, we turn the calendar page to four months of fun or four months of dread, depending on your expectations of snow. It is an individual choice, as it is every day, on how one views life, with gratitude or fear. I choose to be grateful.
2024 11-30, 6245 - WINTER HAS ARRIVED – Winter arrived and spread over nine inches of snow on the foothills. It is now time to be mindful of every step we take as we go about our daily routines - in the same way that we are mindful of spreading positivity in all our actions, both mentally and physically.
2024 11-29, 6244 – JUST BEFORE THE STORM – As the first big snowstorm loomed on the horizon there were still some last-minute things to do before it arrived. Our son set some new bird house poles in the orchard. Mindfulness in life helps us and our team prepare for both the known and unknown ahead.
2024 11-28, 6243 – A THANKSGIVING MEMORY – Forty years ago this Thanksgiving we were in New York City to watch our son Brian march with 99 other high school musicians in the McDonald’s All-American Band. Music still plays a special role in his life. We can build on positive memories, realizing that we are in a constantly changing world.
2024 11-28, 6243 – A THANKSGIVING MEMORY – Forty years ago this Thanksgiving we were in New York City to watch our son Brian march with 99 other high school musicians in the McDonald’s All-American Band. Music still plays a special role in his life. We can build on positive memories, realizing that we are in a constantly changing world.
2024 11-27, 6242 - A TURKEY FEAST – In this country a turkey is usually the main attraction for a Thanksgiving feast. The other day we hosted thirty wild turkeys for a feast on our front lawn. When people invite others to share a meal, there is a special warmth that can last for a long time.
2024 11-26, 6241 - STANDING TALL AGAINST THE SKY – The tall oak stands alone against the November sky, ready to bear the brunt of the harsh winds of winter. I admire people who have positive beliefs who stand alone against a flow of negativity. They can change the climate of life for others.
2024 11-25, 6240 – TIME MOVES ON. TRADITIONS CHANGE. – We used to decorate a small spruce tree in the orchard and put wrapped packages in the old wagon near it to celebrate the holidays. Time has moved on, and the tree is too big now. We still celebrate, but in a different way, creating new traditions.
2024 11-24, 6239 – SNOW ON CHOCORUA – There is an old legend here in the valley: When Mount Chocorua has its first snow, we will be covered with it within two weeks. We live in a world of predictions; some we fear and some we look forward to. Positiveness can help soften the ones we fear.
2024 11-23, 6238 – RAIN ON THE ROOF – Ever since my childhood days I have loved the sound of rain on the roof. The latest sound of rain is particularly welcome as we have been in a drought for almost three months. It is nourishing my mind as well as Nature. We all have positive experiences we can relive from time to time.
2024 11-22, 6237 – CONFIRMING THE WAY – Some of the hiking trails had become a little hard to follow with new undergrowth where cutting had taken place, so my wife bought and placed new metal arrows for visitors to confirm they were on the right path. In life we get confirmations of following our Soul’s path.
2024 11-21, 6236 – EATEN AWAY – I am amazed how woodpeckers know that what seems to me a perfectly healthy tree is being eaten away on the inside by ants. The woodpeckers drill large holes in it to get at them. Negative thoughts can eat away at a person’s health from their insides, but they can find help to curb the infestation.
2024 11-20, 6235 – A BARREN LANDSCAPE THAT IS NOT SO BARREN – At first glance the November landscape here in the mountains appears to be very barren. If we look closer there is still much to focus on. Life can appear the same way if we don’t pay attention to all the opportunities we have for doing something positive.
2024 11-19, 6234 – THE FAIRIES ARE DOING THEIR PART – The fairies must be enjoying their new sanctuary at the base of the old pine tree. I recently discovered that they had invited several deer into their safety zone. Whoever assists them brings a smile to my face, the exact purpose of my podcasts.
2024 11-18, 6233 – SHARING – We find a lot of enjoyment in sharing our special piece of NH landscape with hikers and skiers. We have four ski trails maintained by the Granite Back County Alliance. Actually, everyone has something to share. It doesn’t have to be grand. A kind word or smile can change a life.
Michael R. Hathaway, PO Box 276, Madison NH 03849, 603-367-8851, [email protected]
Michael R. Hathaway, PO Box 276, Madison NH 03849, 603-367-8851, [email protected]